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b2evolution blacklisted


  10:59:14 pm, by   , 238 words  
Categories: LAN Websites, Co-Lo Server

b2evolution blacklisted

Today was interesting - I fixed a b2evolution blog on another server. It seems that someone in my Shaw Home account IP Address range had been sending out a lot of Spam or some such, and so my Shaw Home Account IP range was on a blacklist - what fun! Even better - since my b2evolution blog software came with the DNSBL Antispam blacklisting service, which I enabled, but didn't enable the captcha access - I was locked out of my own blog.

This took a short while to fix ...

The message was something like:

Your IP address is blocked
Your IP address is listed ... (blacklist)

So, if you use the b2evolution blog software, and the DNSBL Blacklisting plugin, definitely click Whitelisting: Allow the user to whitelist his session through a Captcha plugin, as in this picture:

However, if you need to fix this, and you're locked out like I was, and if you can access the database (I used PhpMyAdmin, already installed), then you need to change this value:

It is in the evo_pluginsettings, in the pset_name field. Change the use_whitelisting value from 0 to 1.

Now, when you go to your blog, there will be a slightly friendlier screen, with a Captcha, where you can prove you (your IP) should not be whitelisted.

Of course, captchas have pretty much been broken, so this will only make things slightly harder for spammers.


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