Category: "My Glass"


  12:49:12 am, by   , 30 words  
Categories: My Glass

Aquarium Top Half

Aquarium Top Half - Stained Glass by Torben Sorensen and Peter Zulinski
Aquarium Top Half - Stained Glass by Torben Sorensen and Peter Zulinski

The top part of the previous piece. I have this one hanging in my bathroom window.

Both ca 2003

  12:45:41 am, by   , 60 words  
Categories: My Glass

Aquarium Bottom Half

Aquarium Bottom Half - Stained Glass by Torben Sorensen and Peter Zulinski
Aquarium Bottom Half - Stained Glass by Torben Sorensen and Peter Zulinski

This is one half of two pieces that were made to fit in a bathroom window. Peter and I had a great time making these pieces - he now has the honour of displaying this in his window, and I have the top half - coming up next!


  11:53:28 pm, by   , 64 words  
Categories: My Glass

Despair and Hope

Despair and Hope - Stained Glass by Torben Sorensen
Despair and Hope - Stained Glass by Torben Sorensen

I made this piece as a gift to my brother - it was a remake of an early painting of his, and I think it came out well. I liked the flat look of the artwork, and I thought it would work well as stained glass. I did, however, add a moon to the imagery.


  04:07:42 pm, by   , 34 words  
Categories: My Glass

First Piece I Made ca 1993

My First Stained Glass Artwork
My First Stained Glass Artwork

This is my first complete Stained Glass artwork. I really like how this tree came out. Currently it is sitting in my parents front window - lucky them! B)

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This blog features my own Stained Glass artworks, as well articles about stained glass that I found useful or interesting ...


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