Category: "Gentoo Linux"

Pages: 1 3 4


  09:00:12 pm, by   , 35 words  
Categories: Gentoo Linux

steps for webcam + send pics setup for my LAN

steps for webcam + send pics setup for my LAN

- idetify webcam

- install kernle driver + v4l stuff

- get webcam capture script into place + create webcam user account

- get cron into place


  10:04:19 pm, by   , 60 words  
Categories: Gentoo Linux

GNU Mailman using a Apache vhost in Gentoo

Like most web apps, Mailman pretty much assumes that you want to install in a subdirectory of the main (and only) site. The file it installs into /etc/apache/modules.d/50_mailman.conf has the 'Location' tag specify - where I usually prefer - here's how I made this simple switch.


  12:07:42 am, by   , 1161 words  
Categories: Gentoo Linux

Zabbix and monitoring Apache - Gentoo mod_status using -D STATUS

In my continuing quest to monitor everything via Zabbix, I wanted the Apache status information available from the mod_status module. I had already added the needed lines into my Zabbix conf file, but the results were not getting returned properly.

Here's what the Apache2 mod_status documentation is:

I wanted this info to come from a sub-domain - and I wanted is to be very restricted, by IP address, so it would not be available to the world.

Read more »


  08:52:18 pm, by   , 57 words  
Categories: Gentoo Linux

SMART Disk Monitoring - simple steps

From these instructions

smartctl -i /dev/hdd
smartctl -H /dev/hdd
smartctl -l error /dev/hdd
smartctl -c /dev/hdd
smartctl -t offline /dev/hdd

smartctl -l error /dev/hda
smartctl -t long /dev/hda
smartctl -l selftest /dev/hda
smartctl -t conveyance /dev/hda


  01:05:49 pm, by   , 121 words  
Categories: Gentoo Linux

gentoo grub update

Sometimes Gentoo could do better in helping out with simple upgrades:

After upgrading to a new grub (linux hard drive bootloader) I saw this message:

* Messages for package sys-boot/grub-0.97-r5:

* *** IMPORTANT NOTE: you must run grub and install
* the new version's stage1 to your MBR. Until you do,
* stage1 and stage2 will still be the old version, but
* later stages will be the new version, which could
* cause problems such as an unbootable system.

I found this explanation:

to do this:

# grub-install hd0

I wish there was some way to get an Gentoo package upgrade automatically have a forum entry - with a helpful hint or two by the maintainer even better.

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