Category: "MythTV"

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  04:03:38 pm, by   , 46 words  
Categories: Gentoo Linux, MythTV, Graphics, MythTV

MythTV moving to QT4 - many more possibilities now available

Just saw this - looks great!

With MythTV moving to QT4, which has a wider range of functionality on various devices, plus a whole host of improvements - I think things are definately on the upswing for MythTV.


  02:11:13 am, by   , 277 words  
Categories: MythTV, QT 3, C++, Eclipse

Eclipse, QT3 / QT4 and MythTV integration

I've been using Eclipse more and more, and its been coming together nicely. So, I've been researching how to use Eclipse to assist in programming MythTV plugins. I came across this in my most recent search:

which lead to these details installation instructions:

and this download link:

Look interesting, but I note warily that it only works for qt4, and MythTV is using qt3 - ugh, well maybe this will still work.

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  02:08:26 am, by   , 1433 words  
Categories: MythTV, MythTV

Automating some handy MythTV scripts

I've been looking at having the MythTV 'Videos' area have some useful information gatered from the internet - say for movies and such.

So, I've gathered up a couple of scripts, and done some extra work to customize them for my needs:

  • a script that goes through all the sub-directories of the /Videos/ directory, and create thumbnails of the videos as needed. These look great and really make for a more visual MythTV experience
  • a script that goes through the 'tv' sub-directory, and look up the TV related information, such as plot, running time, etc.
  • a script that goes through the 'movies' sub-directory and looks up the movie information from IMDb, the Internet Movie Database. I haven't used this one yet, so we'll see if it works out-of-the-box for my scenario.

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  03:12:21 pm, by   , 152 words  
Categories: MythTV, MythTV, QT 3, C++


I found a couple of links - this one from April 2003 - "MythAlarm Requirements":

Guess a list of requirements was all the person was able to do. Ahh well some good ideas in there anyway.

Also an entry in the trac about adding a clock to any menu:

Now thats not quite what I was looking to build but an interesting idea anyway.

My first attempt at putting the binClock code in didn't have any effect - not surprising from the quick code mashup I performed.

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  03:05:45 pm, by   , 432 words  
Categories: MythTV

MythAlarm part 3

Ok, so after getting the MythAlarm stuff all working I tested it - and not much happened. After looking through the code I can see why - there's not much code there to do anything. Really - as in (almost) nothing - I'm not sure what the original poster thought would happen but to test your code it needs to do something.

So, this got me thinking.

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