Category: "Eclipse"


  12:44:12 am, by   , 40 words  
Categories: Eclipse

Getting Eclipse and Php working Perfect

Came across this great post:

and it gives a very nice summary on how to install a lot of useful PHP tools, etc. to make Eclipse edit Php great.


  02:11:13 am, by   , 277 words  
Categories: MythTV, QT 3, C++, Eclipse

Eclipse, QT3 / QT4 and MythTV integration

I've been using Eclipse more and more, and its been coming together nicely. So, I've been researching how to use Eclipse to assist in programming MythTV plugins. I came across this in my most recent search:

which lead to these details installation instructions:

and this download link:

Look interesting, but I note warily that it only works for qt4, and MythTV is using qt3 - ugh, well maybe this will still work.

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