Category: "Zabbix Monitoring"


  01:43:59 am, by   , 1494 words  
Categories: Gentoo Linux, Zabbix Monitoring

Zabbix + ssh tunnel with AutoSSH

I've spent a fair amount of time setting up a Zabbix system monitoring system to monitor the functioning of the LAN computers - Gentoo and Windows. Other than Zabbix 1.1.7 being a little tedious to set up, including the various add-on scanners I've configured, its fairly easy.

However, monitoring computers outside the LAN has been tricky, as I want to do it securely. Zabbix sends its info (at least in this version) through clear text, and I'd like to have in encrypted.

After several attempts at configuring AutoSSH (over several months :roll: ) I made some progress - first this article had some handy steps for testing:

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