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some more MythTV improvements


  06:33:58 pm, by   , 328 words  
Categories: Gentoo Linux, MythTV

some more MythTV improvements

I came across this blog article


about setting the proper dpi (dots per inch) for the MythTV screens. He points to this article:


which has a fairly complete outline of how to make this change happen.

I installed xdpyinfo, as I didn't have that before:

# emerge -av x11-apps/xdpyinfo

Now to get it to output useful stuff I started up x using startx after having moved the .xinitrc for mythtv temporarily out of the way.

To summarize the results:

screen #0:
print screen: no
dimensions: 1280x1024 pixels (433x347 millimeters)
resolution: 75x75 dots per inch

screen #1:
print screen: no
dimensions: 720x480 pixels (244x163 millimeters)
resolution: 75x75 dots per inch

Huh - both running at 75x75 dpi instead of the recommended 100x100dpi - interesting. I also noted that although I had tried to specify the geometry of the mythfrontend to 1024x768, 'X' is at 1280x1024 - might as well fix that too.

Hmmm 1280/1024 = 1.25 which converts to a 5:4 ratio ...

Ok following the multiplication route:
1280 * 0.254 =~ 325
1024 * 0.254 =~ 260

720 / 480 = 1.5 converts to 3:2

720 * 0.254 =~ 183
480 * 0.254 =~ 122

Ok, so add in those changes to /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

for the monitor:
DisplaySize 325 260

for the TV screen:
DisplaySize 183 122

I plugged that in, and also reset the default display (monitor) geometry and size to 1280 x 1024, which despite some good efforts seems to be what X wants for my display.

Nice, the fonts look larger and crisper. Definitely this setting needs more documentation as in all the setups I've seen I didn't catch this. I'll probably play around some more with my display sizes but this works great and I think the TV is looking slightly better as well.

This page also helped:

http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions# All_my_fonts_look_like_they_are_the_wrong_sizes.2C_how_can_I_correct_this.3F

[the above URL had to have a space added to not wreck the blog layout - the link is fine]

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