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  02:11:13 am, by   , 277 words  
Categories: MythTV, QT 3, C++, Eclipse

Eclipse, QT3 / QT4 and MythTV integration

I've been using Eclipse more and more, and its been coming together nicely. So, I've been researching how to use Eclipse to assist in programming MythTV plugins. I came across this in my most recent search:

which lead to these details installation instructions:

and this download link:

Look interesting, but I note warily that it only works for qt4, and MythTV is using qt3 - ugh, well maybe this will still work.

Read more »


  09:59:50 pm, by   , 43 words  
Categories: C++

ragetvgrab command line

mythtv mythmusic # /usr/local/bin/ -a -v -nr -import -t -d
num rows 1,0, /mnt/store/, ,
num rows 1,0,, ,
num rows 1,0, 6543, ,
(V1) Verbose Level 1
(DD) Debugging On
(TT) Test Mode On
(V1) Input filename:
(V1) Working with Videos Database rather than Recordings Database

  09:59:38 pm, by   , 52 words  
Categories: C++

for F in "$SRC"/.* "$SRC"/*
do # for every entry in the source directory
if [ $(basename "$F") != .svn ]
then # for everything that isn't an SVN directory
if [ -d "$F" ]
then # recursively copy subdirectories
mkdir "$DST"/$(basename "$F")
"$0" "$F" "$DST"
else # simple copy for files
cp -a "$F" "$DST"


  10:57:55 pm, by   , 77 words  
Categories: Saturn

Hexagonal Storm on Saturn's Pole

from: and

Hexagonal Storm on Saturn's Pole
Hexagonal Storm on Saturn's Pole

This nighttime movie of the depths of the north pole of Saturn taken by the visual infrared mapping spectrometer onboard NASA's Cassini Orbiter reveals a dynamic, active planet lurking underneath the ubiquitous cover of upper-level hazes. The defining feature of Saturn's north polar regions--the six-sided hexagon feature--is clearly visible in the image.

  10:46:13 pm, by   , 102 words  
Categories: Mars

Martian Clouds

Martian Clouds
Martian Clouds


The ESA's Rosetta probe swooped around Mars on Sunday, completing a key manoeuvre in its 10-year mission to land on a distant comet. The 3-tonne probe came within 155 miles of the planet's surface, and took some incredible images that reveal cloud systems on the planet. "At this time of the Martian year, a large fraction of Mars' atmosphere is evaporating from the southern polar cap and will migrate to the northern polar cap during nothern winter. Over most of the Martian disk one can see large cloud systems."

Mars Annotated
Mars Annotated

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