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  04:33:47 pm, by   , 55 words  
Categories: 3D

Linux Monitor Autodetection

One of the trickier parts of setting up Xorg is getting the monitor refresh rate configured properly - this tool can make that much easier:

# emerge -av sys-apps/ddcxinfo-knoppix

Then run it like this:

# ddcxinfo-knoppix -monitor -modes -firstmode 800x600

This will produce details that need to be edited in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.


  02:08:26 am, by   , 1433 words  
Categories: MythTV, MythTV

Automating some handy MythTV scripts

I've been looking at having the MythTV 'Videos' area have some useful information gatered from the internet - say for movies and such.

So, I've gathered up a couple of scripts, and done some extra work to customize them for my needs:

  • a script that goes through all the sub-directories of the /Videos/ directory, and create thumbnails of the videos as needed. These look great and really make for a more visual MythTV experience
  • a script that goes through the 'tv' sub-directory, and look up the TV related information, such as plot, running time, etc.
  • a script that goes through the 'movies' sub-directory and looks up the movie information from IMDb, the Internet Movie Database. I haven't used this one yet, so we'll see if it works out-of-the-box for my scenario.

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  02:55:12 am, by   , 102 words  
Categories: WinXP, IPX

Local LAN

Really, this is a test of crossposting - also tho it is a record of an issue I've been having recently on the LAN - until about mid-may all computers on the LAN would show up on the Network Neighbourhood Window - like this picture:

Camelot (Home) Network

Now however only a handful are showing up - although they can still be accessed via 'map network drive' - you just have to know the right name. I think the culprit is an WinXP patch update I did a while ago, although that doesn't explain why some of the linux comps are no longer coming up.


  07:58:06 pm, by   , 596 words  
Categories: Gentoo Linux, MythTV

MythTV sound effect for pressing Remote button

Another pointer I found at this site:

is about how to add sounds to MythTV remote buttons being pushed - kinda handy.

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  06:33:58 pm, by   , 328 words  
Categories: Gentoo Linux, MythTV

some more MythTV improvements

I came across this blog article

about setting the proper dpi (dots per inch) for the MythTV screens. He points to this article:

which has a fairly complete outline of how to make this change happen.

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