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  03:03:48 am, by   , 85 words  
Categories: Graphics, 3D

Electric Sheep Screensaver

Came across this in my graphics searches today - the Electric Sheep Screensaver which is open-source and uses a distributed model to generate the graphics and an evolutionary model to design more complex imagery.

I've installed it on a computer on the LAN - we'll see how it goes ...

Example of a lineage:

Note: firewall was blocking the 'bittorrent' download option - turned that off seems to be going now ..


  03:12:21 pm, by   , 152 words  
Categories: MythTV, MythTV, QT 3, C++


I found a couple of links - this one from April 2003 - "MythAlarm Requirements":

Guess a list of requirements was all the person was able to do. Ahh well some good ideas in there anyway.

Also an entry in the trac about adding a clock to any menu:

Now thats not quite what I was looking to build but an interesting idea anyway.

My first attempt at putting the binClock code in didn't have any effect - not surprising from the quick code mashup I performed.

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  05:18:08 pm, by   , 160 words  
Categories: Co-Lo Server

AM Code temp fix

I tried the AMCode plusgin for B2Evolution to allow code segments to be displayed (looks great) but I had an issue - the css wasn't loading up - not sure if it should work just fine for 1.8.6 but I do know they've moved on - however the fix was easy - locate the plugins php, found the css being output, modified the proper path for the image file, moved image file there, and added the output (and modified) css to another CSS file -

# locate _am_code.plugin.php
# nano /var/www/[xxx].com/htdocs/plugins/am_code_plugin/_am_code.plugin.php
# locate blog_elements.css
# nano /var/www/
# locate numbers.gif
# ls /var/www/
# less /var/www/
# mkdir /var/www/

  03:05:45 pm, by   , 432 words  
Categories: MythTV

MythAlarm part 3

Ok, so after getting the MythAlarm stuff all working I tested it - and not much happened. After looking through the code I can see why - there's not much code there to do anything. Really - as in (almost) nothing - I'm not sure what the original poster thought would happen but to test your code it needs to do something.

So, this got me thinking.

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  10:25:25 pm, by   , 297 words  
Categories: MythTV

MythAlarm part 2

So in this second part, I needed to add MythAlarm (and MythHelloWorld) to the MythTV main menu:

# nano /usr/share/mythtv/mainmenu.xml

I added these lines near the bottom of the file:

   [lt]text[gt]Hello Myth[lt]/text[gt]
   [lt]action[gt]PLUGIN mythhello[lt]/action[gt]

   [lt]text[gt]Myth Alarm[lt]/text[gt]
   [lt]action[gt]MENU alarm_settings.xml[lt]/action[gt]

Then copy over the alarm-ui.xml and alarm_settings.xml files to where MythTV can find them:

# cp al*.xml /usr/share/mythtv/.

Then fire up MythTV and see if it works ...

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