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  10:04:19 pm, by   , 60 words  
Categories: Gentoo Linux

GNU Mailman using a Apache vhost in Gentoo

Like most web apps, Mailman pretty much assumes that you want to install in a subdirectory of the main (and only) site. The file it installs into /etc/apache/modules.d/50_mailman.conf has the 'Location' tag specify - where I usually prefer - here's how I made this simple switch.


  12:07:42 am, by   , 1161 words  
Categories: Gentoo Linux

Zabbix and monitoring Apache - Gentoo mod_status using -D STATUS

In my continuing quest to monitor everything via Zabbix, I wanted the Apache status information available from the mod_status module. I had already added the needed lines into my Zabbix conf file, but the results were not getting returned properly.

Here's what the Apache2 mod_status documentation is:

I wanted this info to come from a sub-domain - and I wanted is to be very restricted, by IP address, so it would not be available to the world.

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  11:21:06 pm, by   , 36 words  
Categories: Galaxies

Hubble Finds Unidentified Object in Space, Scientists Puzzled


"The object also appeared out of nowhere. It just wasn't there before. In fact, they don't even know where it is exactly located because it didn't behave like anything they know."

  10:59:14 pm, by   , 238 words  
Categories: LAN Websites, Co-Lo Server

b2evolution blacklisted

Today was interesting - I fixed a b2evolution blog on another server. It seems that someone in my Shaw Home account IP Address range had been sending out a lot of Spam or some such, and so my Shaw Home Account IP range was on a blacklist - what fun! Even better - since my b2evolution blog software came with the DNSBL Antispam blacklisting service, which I enabled, but didn't enable the captcha access - I was locked out of my own blog.

This took a short while to fix ...

The message was something like:

Your IP address is blocked
Your IP address is listed ... (blacklist)

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