
  12:49:12 am, by   , 30 words  
Categories: My Glass

Aquarium Top Half

Aquarium Top Half - Stained Glass by Torben Sorensen and Peter Zulinski
Aquarium Top Half - Stained Glass by Torben Sorensen and Peter Zulinski

The top part of the previous piece. I have this one hanging in my bathroom window.

Both ca 2003

  12:45:41 am, by   , 60 words  
Categories: My Glass

Aquarium Bottom Half

Aquarium Bottom Half - Stained Glass by Torben Sorensen and Peter Zulinski
Aquarium Bottom Half - Stained Glass by Torben Sorensen and Peter Zulinski

This is one half of two pieces that were made to fit in a bathroom window. Peter and I had a great time making these pieces - he now has the honour of displaying this in his window, and I have the top half - coming up next!


  11:53:28 pm, by   , 64 words  
Categories: My Glass

Despair and Hope

Despair and Hope - Stained Glass by Torben Sorensen
Despair and Hope - Stained Glass by Torben Sorensen

I made this piece as a gift to my brother - it was a remake of an early painting of his, and I think it came out well. I liked the flat look of the artwork, and I thought it would work well as stained glass. I did, however, add a moon to the imagery.


  11:56:15 pm, by   , 168 words  
Categories: Stained Glass in the News

Eighth wonder of the world?

Stained Glass Ceiling
Stained Glass Ceiling

from the article:

Nestling in the foothills of the Alps in northern Italy, 30 miles from the ancient city of Turin, lies the valley of Valchiusella. Peppered with medieval villages, the hillside scenery is certainly picturesque.

But it is deep underground, buried into the ancient rock, that the region's greatest wonders are concealed.

Here, 100ft down and hidden from public view, lies an astonishing secret - one that has drawn comparisons with the fabled city of Atlantis and has been dubbed 'the Eighth Wonder of the World' by the Italian government.

For weaving their way underneath the hillside are nine ornate temples, on five levels, whose scale and opulence take the breath away.

Constructed like a three-dimensional book, narrating the history of humanity, they are linked by hundreds of metres of richly decorated tunnels and occupy almost 300,000 cubic feet - Big Ben is 15,000 cubic feet.


Hall of Spheres
Hall of Spheres


  04:07:42 pm, by   , 34 words  
Categories: My Glass

First Piece I Made ca 1993

My First Stained Glass Artwork
My First Stained Glass Artwork

This is my first complete Stained Glass artwork. I really like how this tree came out. Currently it is sitting in my parents front window - lucky them! B)

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Stained Glass

This blog features my own Stained Glass artworks, as well articles about stained glass that I found useful or interesting ...


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